The Cornell Phonetics Lab is a group of students and faculty who are curious about speech. We study patterns in speech — in both movement and sound. We do a variety research — experiments, fieldwork, and corpus studies. We test theories and build models of the mechanisms that create patterns. Learn more about our Research. See below for information on our events and our facilities.
10th April 2025 04:30 PM
Linguistics Colloquium Speaker: Donka Farkas
The Department of Linguistics proudly presents Dr. Donka Farkas, Professor Emerita of Linguistics at the University of California, Santa Cruz.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
17th April 2025 04:30 PM
Linguistics Colloquium Speaker: Tejaswini Deoskar
The Department of Linguistics proudly presents Cornell Linguistics alumnus (PhD 2008) Dr. Tejaswini Deoskar, Associate Professor in the Institute of Language Sciences at Ultrecht University.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
22nd April 2025 04:30 PM
ASL Lecture Series: Willy Conley
The Department of Linguistics and ASL Program proudly presents Willy Conley, professor emeritus, Gallaudet University.
Willy will present on "How It Fell on Deaf Ears Became a Play for a Bilingual Audience".
What goes into the development of an original stage production for an audience of D/deaf, hard-of-hearing, and hearing people? Willy Conley, a Deaf playwright, pulls back the curtain to reveal his process on creating the script, Falling on Hearing Eyes: A Museum of Sign/anguish for People with Communications Disorders.
He will share time-worn cliches regarding deaf people, including aspects of Deaf culture to show how they were explored/exploited to create New Vaudevillian physical comedy and visual theatre.
Willy Conley, Professor Emeritus at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., is an award-winning playwright, photographer and writer. His plays have been produced worldwide, and his writings appear extensively in anthologies and periodicals.
Conley is the author of numerous books such as Space is Deaf Like Me, Photographic Memories — Essays, Playlets, and Stories, Plays of Our Own — An Anthology of Scripts by Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Writers, Visual-Gestural Communication, Listening Through the Bone – Collected Poems, The Deaf Heart – A Novel, and Vignettes of the Deaf Character and Other Plays.
ASL/English interpretation will be provided.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University Dept, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
24th April 2025 04:30 PM
Linguistics Colloquium Speaker: Kathryn Davidson
The Department of Linguistics proudly presents Dr. Kathryn Davidson, Professor of Linguistics at Harvard University.
Location: 106 Morrill Hall, Cornell University, 159 Central Avenue, Morrill Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4701, USA
The Cornell Phonetics Laboratory (CPL) provides an integrated environment for the experimental study of speech and language, including its production, perception, and acquisition.
Located in Morrill Hall, the laboratory consists of six adjacent rooms and covers about 1,600 square feet. Its facilities include a variety of hardware and software for analyzing and editing speech, for running experiments, for synthesizing speech, and for developing and testing phonetic, phonological, and psycholinguistic models.
Web-Based Phonetics and Phonology Experiments with LabVanced
The Phonetics Lab licenses the LabVanced software for designing and conducting web-based experiments.
Labvanced has particular value for phonetics and phonology experiments because of its:
Students and Faculty are currently using LabVanced to design web experiments involving eye-tracking, audio recording, and perception studies.
Subjects are recruited via several online systems:
Computing Resources
The Phonetics Lab maintains two Linux servers that are located in the Rhodes Hall server farm:
In addition to the Phonetics Lab servers, students can request access to additional computing resources of the Computational Linguistics lab:
These servers, in turn, are nodes in the G2 Computing Cluster, which currently consists of 195 servers (82 CPU-only servers and 113 GPU servers) consisting of ~7400 CPU cores and 698 GPUs.
The G2 Cluster uses the SLURM Workload Manager for submitting batch jobs that can run on any available server or GPU on any cluster node.
Articulate Instruments - Micro Speech Research Ultrasound System
We use this Articulate Instruments Micro Speech Research Ultrasound System to investigate how fine-grained variation in speech articulation connects to phonological structure.
The ultrasound system is portable and non-invasive, making it ideal for collecting articulatory data in the field.
BIOPAC MP-160 System
The Sound Booth Laboratory has a BIOPAC MP-160 system for physiological data collection. This system supports two BIOPAC Respiratory Effort Transducers and their associated interface modules.
Language Corpora
Speech Aerodynamics
Studies of the aerodynamics of speech production are conducted with our Glottal Enterprises oral and nasal airflow and pressure transducers.
We use a Glottal Enterprises EG-2 electroglottograph for noninvasive measurement of vocal fold vibration.
Real-time vocal tract MRI
Our lab is part of the Cornell Speech Imaging Group (SIG), a cross-disciplinary team of researchers using real-time magnetic resonance imaging to study the dynamics of speech articulation.
Articulatory movement tracking
We use the Northern Digital Inc. Wave motion-capture system to study speech articulatory patterns and motor control.
Sound Booth
Our isolated sound recording booth serves a range of purposes--from basic recording to perceptual, psycholinguistic, and ultrasonic experimentation.
We also have the necessary software and audio interfaces to perform low latency real-time auditory feedback experiments via MATLAB and Audapter.