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2007, Zbornik matice srpske za filologiju i lingvistiku 50. Novi Sad.

Slogotvorni glasovi u srpskom jeziku.” [Syllabic segments in Serbian]

2006, In Encyclopedia of Linguistics, Elsevier Press.

Rhythmic Alternation

2005, Phonology. 2005;22(1):77-112

Prosodic Differences among Function Words

2003, Working Papers of the Cornell Phonetics Laboratory 15. 2003

Phonetics and phonology of contrastive palatal affricates

2003, In Féry, C. and R. van de Vijver (eds.). The Syllable in Optimaity Theory. Cambridge University Press.

Prosodic Weight

2003, Ju&zcaronnoslovenski filolog 59

O mestu palatalnih afrikata &ccaron, ć i &ccaron, d&zcaron u sistemu glasova srpskog jezika.” (On the place of the palatal affricates &ccaron, ć and &ccaron, d&zcaron in the Serbian sound system)

2002, In Fanselow, G. and Féry, C. (eds.) Resolving Conflicts in Grammars. Linguistische Berichte. Sonderheft 11.

Constraints on Multiple Feature Occurrence

2000, Јужнословенски филолог, 2000, 56, 1-2, 435-448

O strukturi sloga u srpskom jeziku.” [On the structure of Serbian syllables]

2000, Working Papers of the Cornell Phonetics Laboratory 14: 249-276. 2000.

The role of prosody in morphologically governed phonotactic regularities

2000, Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 8. Edited by T. H. King and I. A. Sekerina. Michigan Slavic Publications. Ann Arbor, 382-413.

Multiple Sonority Thresholds

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