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Draga Zec presents paper at the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting

Draga Zec and Dr. Martin Krämer (The Arctic University of Norway) presented a paper titled “The variable vocalic nature of syllabic consonants” at the 27th Manchester Phonology Meeting, held in Manchester, England from May 23-25, 2019.

25th May 2019

Draga Zec gives Invited Talk at Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 28 Conference

Draga Zec gave an Invited Talk on "On the Morphology of Weight in South Slavic" at the Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 28 Conference, held at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY from May 3-5, 2019 

3rd May 2019

Abby Cohn receives Cook Award

Abigail C. Cohn, Professor of Linguistics and Director of the Southeast Asia Program, received a 2019 Cook award for her work in enhancing the atmosphere for women at Cornell, where she:

  • Mentored women
  • Made sure that Deans, the Administration and others recognize female faculty achievements
  • Fostered an environment that allows women to thrive
  • Co-founded the College of Arts and Sciences Women Faculty Network, which created a supportive platform for women faculty to meet other women professors through events like luncheons:

In an interview with the Cornell Daily Sun, Abby commented:

“When I first joined the South East Asian program, I was the only woman faculty member at that time. I started to realize that for many women faculty, they were isolated in their department,” Cohn said. “We are also providing cross-departmental faculty mentoring because it’s useful to get a perspective outside your department.”

12th March 2019

Draga Zec gives an Invited Talk at Phonology Festa 14

Draga Zec gave an Invited Talk titled "Tone and Stress Interactions in the Pitch Accent System of Serbo-Croatian” at Phonology Festa 14, Meikai University, Japan held March 4-5, 2019    

4th March 2019